Welcome to the Autumn Term.

St. Patrick's Catholic Primary School - Our Learning!

Welcome to the start of Peacock class. We are looking forward to our Autumn Term

This term, our topics will be, 'Inside Out,' and 'Into the Unknown.'

We have started the school year with continuation of Play and Learn. It is extremely valuable for children to continue to learn new skills and knowledge through play. Children at times will work whole class, in small groups and one-to-one when not adult focused they will be choosing their learning using both outdoors and in class provision. Children will be encouraged to share, be resourceful, imaginative and be able to respect the resources and tidy them away. 

In English, we will be looking at  a variety of books including 'Supertato' and 'Aliens Love Underpants.' We will be writing shopping lists, captions, character and setting descriptions, a non-chronological report and looking at poetry too. We will be improving our handwriting, making sure it is legible and writing on a line.

In Maths we will be following Active Learn focusing initially on numbers to 10. We will be counting, making, adding, subtracting, finding one more and one less and comparing numbers. We will also set a number of maths games for children to try at home.

In Science, we will look at Humans and their senses. Then we will move on to Seasons. In Art, we will start with making marks and observational drawing, then moving on to colour. We will be making smoothies in DT, choosing and tasting the different fruits to use. In History, we will be learning about what is history starting with History in our own life.

We have lots of fabulous learning throughout our subjects throughout the Autumn Term. We aim to make learning practical as possible and we expect Peacock class to always try their best, making 'every second counts.'

Reminder clipart free clip art images 2 image

Please ensure ALL clothing, coats and shoes are clearly named.

PE days are Tuesdays and Fridays. Please come to school with appropriate PE clothes, hair tied back and no earrings (staff are unable to remove earrings for the children).

Please make sure shoes, including PE shoes, do not have laces unless your child can tie them independently. 

Homework clipart word, Homework word Transparent FREE for download on  WebStockReview 2020

Children are expected to read each day and are expected to change their own books independently. Keyrings will be collected in and practised at school, please practise as much as you can at home too.

Spellings will be set on a Monday, with spelling tests to be carried out the following Monday

Homework books will be handed out on a Friday and are due back in the following Thursday.

Phonics is key to year one learning. Practise reading as much as possible at home, including your home books too

We look forward to teaching your children this year.

The Peacock Team