Year 6 Extended Learning 
Extended Learning Expectations
All extended learning is set on a Friday and is due to be completed by the following Wednesday, unless specified otherwise.
As a general rule, weekly Extended Learning will usually consist of:
--> Maths (Times Table Rockstars/ KIRF practise and a consolidation task),
--> English inc GPS (Sats Companion and in spelling journal)
--> Lucky Listener- this will be set and will be linked to class work
--> Reading for at least 20 minutes, five times a week. We use Accelerated Reader and once you have finished your book, you can complete the quiz on it on the Chromebook in the classroom. How many words will you read this year?
--> An additional task may also be set eg Topic work
If your child has any issues/ queries with an aspect of their extended learning, the expectation is that they speak to the class teacher as soon as possible after it has been set.
It is very important that all extended learning is completed fully and on time each week, in line with school expectations.
Autumn Term
Please click on the following link to access the Spelling overview for Autumn Term 1A . The exact week's spellings to be learnt will be specified in the homework journal.