Local Governing Body

Each school in the Robus Multi Academy Trust has a Local Governing Body.  The exact composition of the Local Governing Body is at the discretion of the individual schools as long as the structure has Trust Board Approval.  For full Trustee information please visit the Robus Multi Academy Trust website at https://www.robusmat.co.uk/ 


At Montgomerie Primary School the LGB is made up of ten governors: including two parent governors.  The LGB also has a clerk who takes the minutes of the meetings and prepares the agenda in consultation with the chair of the committee or LGB.



Governor attendance 2022/23

Governor attendance 2021/22

Governor attendance 2020/21

Constitution 21/22



Trust Appointed Governors

Mrs. Ann Stewart - Chair of Governors

Miss. Sarah Gould - Vice Chair of Governors

Current vacancies on the Governing Body


Parent Governors

 Mrs Sarah Murray 

Mr Matthew Le Chevalier

Mrs. Nicola Garvey


Staff Governor

 Mrs J. Le Marie



Mrs. Diana Mason


Clerk to the Governing Body

Miss Cloe Holmes 



Mrs. Sarah Amran