Welcome to Year 5 - We are Branson Class!
Autumn Term
Our theme for the Autumn Term is:
Kings, Queens & Poets...
We are learning about the Tudors, Sir Walter Raleigh & the life & works of William Shakespeare.
Our Active Read Text is 'My friend Walter' by Michael Morpurgo
In English are working hard to improve our Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling as well as developing our writing skills across a range of non-fiction genres.
In Maths, aree continuing to develop our Number skills with a BIG focus on Part-Part-Whole models, Varied Fluency and Rapid recall of Multiplication Facts.
In Science, we are developing our investigation skills as well as looking at materials and their properties.
We are following the Kapow schemes of work to support our learning in: Art, Computing, Design & Technology, Geography, French, Music and RE.
P.E. is on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please ensure you wear your P.E. kit to school!
Active 30 sessions continue every other Tuesday delivered with the help of our dedicated School Sports Partnership coaches!
'Jigsaw Jez' and 'Jerry the Cat' are helping with our PSHE lessons this term which will focus on 'Being Me!'
Please ensure ALL items of uniform including coats, shoes, water bottles and lunch boxes are clearly named
Children must come to school wearing their P.E kit on their P.E days (Remember children need to remove earrings and have suitable clothing for the colder days as we will be going outside in all weathers)
Reading books can only be changed after a pupil has successfully completed the associated Accelerated Reader Quiz. (A score of 85% or greater will demonstrate a pupil is ready to progress through their reading band onto more challenging texts.)
Extended Learning Expectations:
Reading Journals - You can read both AR books and your Reading for Pleasure book from home or our classroom reading area. It is recommended that you read at least 5 times a week to help you earn your Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum reading Certificates.
You can write your own reading comments in your planner and parents/carers can make comments too. Any ‘Book Bingo’ tasks can be completed or stuck into your Reading Journal as well.
Lucky Listeners - This will be set as part of the children's homework. The texts will also be used in class to support pupils' learning.
Spellings - Spellings will be set as part of regular homework tasks. It is recommended that you practice your spellings every day and write them as part of complete sentences.
Maths/Times Tables - Log on to Times Table Rockstars at least twice a week and additional maths challenges will be set as part of the weekly homework.
Here's to an exciting, fun filled term full of adventure, memorable experiences and amazing learning!
Mr Russell
If you need to speak to a teacher please book a suitable time at the office or email admin@montgomerieprimary.essex.sch.uk