Welcome to the Autumn Term


 Revolution and Revelations


We hope that you have had a restful and enjoyable Summer break  and would like to welcome you back to the Autumn term at Montgomerie! 


Autumn is an important term for Year 6 children: a time for new beginnings but great rewards.  The first few weeks focus upon settling in to year 6 and ensuring that we have effective learning behaviours.  After that, we will be beginning our Autumn term topic entitled 'Revolutions and Revelations' where we will learn all about the Victorian era including the geographical impact of the British Empire. We will plan, design and make Victorian Christmas decorations; learn about the styles assocated with Victorian artists and study aspects of society and culture.  In Science, we will be completing a unit of work on Evolution and Classification.  E-safety will remain at the heart of our computing lessons, however we will also be looking at how we can use ICT to support our learning in other subjects.  We will be reading 'Brightstorm" by Vashti Hardy in our Active Read sessions. In Maths, we will be focussing upon arithmetic as well as place value and fractions.  Regular practise of our times tables on TTRS and our Key Instant Recall Facts will take place this term. Our R.E lessons will focus on "Why does religion look differet around the world?" and our PSHE lessons we will be looking at Being me in my world.






  • Please ensure ALL items of uniform including coats, shoes, water bottles and lunch boxes are clearly named.  
  • Children must come to school wearing their P.E kit on their P.E days.  For Year 6, these will be on a Monday and Friday for the Autumn Term.  Please remember, children need to have removed earrings prior to coming to school on these days and wear suitable PE kit for colder days, as we will be trying to go outside as much as possible.
  • Children are required to bring in their reading journal, reading book and Homework journal each day.   
  • Your child's lunchbox and water bottles must be wipeable.


Extended Learning Expectations

  • Reading and recording in journals - the minimum expectation for year 6 children is for 20 minutes, five times per week, with the aim of achieving their Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum awards.  Children should be writing their own reading comments in journals as well as parents/carers.  
  • Spellings:  10 words weekly- need to be practised regularly in the Homework journal  
  • Any other homework will be given out every Friday or via SATs Companion.  Homework tasks must be completed by the following Wednesday.


If you need to speak to a teacher, appointments for a mutually convenient time can be made via the office.  Alternatively, email admin@montgomerieprimary.essex.sch.uk 


 We are very much looking forward to a great term! 


Ms Bolt and Mrs Rose




Parent Guide to Year 6 (Powerpoint from Meet the Teacher Meeting) 



SATs Information/ Revision Guides