Welcome to Barnardo Class!
Spring Term
Our topic for this term is entitled:
What did the Romans do for us?
Hello and welcome to the spring term in Year 4!
What an amazing autumn term it was! You all worked extremely hard and are now fully fledged Global Citizens! Our main topic focus for this term will be History, where we will be learning about the Romans, their conquests and deciding if they really did help to make Great Britain great! In Science, we will learn about Living Things and their Habitats and how sound travels. Our Geography lessons will take us to Italy where we will design our own travel website in Computing and find out about how volcanoes are formed. In Design and Technology we will be building Roman pavilions and slight-shot cars!
We will continue to revise and learn new grammar and punctuation skills (GPS) using our new Rainbow Grammar techniques. Our Active Read text tells us the story of one unusual rabbit who travels to many places. Our writing will also be linked to this and other quality stories taken from our Monty Reads List for Year 4
In Maths, we will be continuing to learn our multiplication and division facts, alongside adding and subtracting fractions and how to calculate the perimeter of a shape. Regular practise of our times tables on TTRS and our Key Instant Recall Facts will also continue this term. Our R.E lessons will focus on the teachings of Buddhism and Christianity and our PSHE lessons we will be looking at our dreams and goals and how to stay healthy.
This term our P.E will be every Tuesday and Wednesday. On these days, please come dressed in your Montgomerie P.E kit with any earrings removed and long hair tied back. Our lessons are Gymnastics and Fundamentals of Sport each week.
Year 4 Monty Reads list:
This term we are reading The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, Escape from Pompeii and Varmints
Year 4 will be taking the Government Multiplication Checker Assessment in June next year - click below for more information
Year 4 Parent Multiplication Check Information 2023
Please ensure ALL items of uniform including coats, shoes, water bottles and lunch boxes are clearly named
Children must come to school wearing their P.E kit on their P.E days (Remember children need to remove earrings and have suitable clothing for the colder days as we will be going outside in all weathers)
If you wish to speak to a teacher please come and see us at the door or email into the school office on admin@montgomerieprimary.essex.sch.uk
Extended Learning Expectations:
Read as much as possible and record in your new orange Reading Journal - You can read both AR books and your Reading for Pleasure book from home or our classroom reading area. You can write your own reading comments in your planner and parents/carers can make comments too.
GPS - Weekly and half termly spelling lists to practise in your homework book
Maths/Times Tables - You are expected to log on to Times Table Rockstars at least twice a week and you will have a weekly Maths task linked to our class learning. KIRF (Key Instant Recall Facts) to practise
Here's to an exciting new term with lots of fantastic new learning!
Mrs. Hughes, Mrs. Morgan and Mrs. Drewer - The Year 4 Team!